23 giugno 2003

I nuovi menu di Mc Donald’s fruttano bene


I nuovi menu inglesi di Mc Donald?s “fruttano bene”.

In Aprile Mc Donald's ha introdotto la frutta fresca (mele a fette e uva) come alternativa alle patatine fritte dell?happy meal e da allora ha venduto oltre 1.2 milioni di queste nuove confezioni pranzo. Il sacchetto da 80 grammi corrisponde ad una delle cinque porzioni raccomandate dal 5 a-day

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McDonalds fruit success

McDonalds UK support of the Department of Health's 5-a-day recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetable has proved a great success Discuss this issue in our new forums McDonalds UK support of the Department of Health's 5-a-day recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetable has proved a great success. Since its launch in April, when the fast-food restaurant introduced fresh fruit into restaurant for the first time, it has sold over 1.2 million bags. The portion of apple slices and grapes were introduced as an option for their happy meal range. It costs 59p or can be substituted for fries in a happy meal. The 80g bag is equivalent to one of the recommended 5-a-day intake.To support the introduction of fruit at McDonalds, the group has worked with nutritionist, Anita Bean to develop an easy guide to help encourage children to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. The leaflet is packed pull of facts, tips and hints and is available in all restaurants. Bean said: “All parents want to give their kids a healthy balanced diet. The leaflet offers tips to parents to ensure that even the fussiest eater gets their 5-a-day target.” In the UK the average daily intake for children is as little as two portions. And adults are not doing much better with only 2.8 portions. Currently, only 13 per cent of men and 15 per cent of women eat the required five portions.

Story published: Tue 10 Jun 2003, 17:11


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